Familie Flöz: Hokuspokus

Familie Flöz: Hokuspokus
Müpa Budapest — Festival Theatre
8 October, 2022 | 7.00 pm
Ticket prices
3900 HUF | 4900 HUF | 5900 HUF
Music: Vasko Damjanov, Sarai O’Gara, Benjamin Reber
Masks: Hajo Schüler
Set: Felix Nolze (rotes pferd)
Costumes: Mascha Schubert
Illustration: Cosimo Miorelli
Sound: Vasko Damjanov
Lighting, animation: Reinhard Hubert
Assistant to the director: Katrin Kats
Director: Hajo Schüler
Hungarian audiences quickly fell for Familie Flöz. Following several influential productions, the company now brings to Budapest a play full of surprises, including the fact that you can now hear the actors speak behind the masks. As always, Familie Flöz has chosen a theme from among the greatest. The production probes a simple question: how did creation take place?
Darkness becomes light, the divine breath permeates the world, the first lovers meet in the garden of paradise. They take their first steps together, seek refuge in nature and – thank God – find affordable housing.
The title, Hokuspokus, plays with a possible origin of “hocus-pocus,” the idea that it is a distorted version of the Latin “Hoc est enim corpus meum,” or “this is my body.” But at the end of the day, it is but a conjurer’s trick. The play is about theatre, the box of magic.
The premiere of the production was presented in cooperation with Theaterhaus Stuttgart and Theater Duisburg, with the support of Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Müpa Budapest — Festival Theatre
8 October, 2022 | 7.00 pm
Ticket prices
3900 HUF | 4900 HUF | 5900 HUF
Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.