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Feledi Project: Cosmic Conflict / Missa Duodecima / Created World – premiere

Feledi Project: Cosmic Conflict / Missa Duodecima / Created World 
Photographer: László Szigeti

Feledi Project: Cosmic Conflict / Missa Duodecima / Created World – premiere

Müpa Budapest — Festival Theatre

20 October, 2023 | 7.00 pm

Ticket prices

3500–6900 HUF Tickets for this performance is being sold based on a dynamic pricing system.

Cosmic Conflict
Performed by: Fanni Czvikli, Tamás Csizmadia, Bence Horváth, students of the Hungarian University of Dance
Featuring: Kodály Philharmonic
Conductor: Imre Kollár
Music: Roland Szentpáli
Assistant to the choreographer: Tamás Csizmadia

Created World
Performed by: Jusztina Bakonyi, Milán Földesi, Flóra Frank, Dorina Kiss, Zsófia Liszkai, Máté Milchram, Csaba Nagy, Patrik Perjési, Brigitta Tóth, Dalma Wéninger
Featuring:Kodály Choir
Conductor: Zoltán Kocsis-Holper
Music: György Orbán
Assistant to the choreographer: Dalma Wéninger

Missa Duodecima
Performed by: Jusztina Bakonyi, Milán Földesi, Flóra Frank, Dorina Kiss, Zsófia Liszkai, Máté Milchram, Csaba Nagy, Patrik Perjési, Brigitta Tóth, Dalma Wéninger
Featuring: Kálmán Dráfi – violin, Gábor Fánczi – double bass, Accord Quartet, Kodály Choir
The members of the quartet: Péter Mező, Csongor Veér – violin, Géza Bence Hargitai – viola, Mátyás Ölveti – cello
Conductor: Zoltán Kocsis-Holper
Music: György Orbán
Assistant to the choreographer: Dalma Wéninger

Production design, set: Krisztián Minorics
Costumes: Nikolett Bati
Lighting: Miklós Hepkó
Choreographer, director: János Feledi

Feledi Project presents dance productions at the Liszt Fest that were inspired by the music of two contemporary composers, Roland Szentpáli and György Orbán. The choreography of Cosmic Conflict is based on Szentpáli’s The Wind and the Sun, an award-winner of Müpa Budapest’s 2020 Composition Competition. The ballet is based on the story of the Greek fabulist Aesop, in which the Sun proves to the North Wind that persuasion is more effective than coercion.
In the second part of the evening, choreographies to a mass and choral works by György Orbán, Müpa Budapest’s featured composer of the season, will lead the viewer into the world of spirituality and the soul. The combination of sung words and movements brings in mind the endlessness of nature, our despairs, joys and sorrows, while all this is given a voice by György Orbán’s music with playfulness and plenty of charm and magic.

This performance of the Liszt Fest is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with Feledi Project.


Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

Müpa Budapest — Festival Theatre

20 October, 2023 | 7.00 pm

Ticket prices

3500–6900 HUF Tickets for this performance is being sold based on a dynamic pricing system.


Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

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