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Cinemira KIDS
Cinemira International Children and Youth Film Festival

Cinemira KIDS

Cinemira KIDS
Cinemira International Children and Youth Film Festival

National Dance Theatre

23 October, 2021 | 10.00 am

Ticket prices

1500 HUF

Day tickets: HUF 1500
Student tickets until the age of 18: HUF 1000
Workshop tickets: HUF 500

The workshops can be attended by pre-registration, valid day ticket and additional workshop ticket, which can be purchased on the spot.

This event can only be attended with an immunity certificate.

Cinemira is the only film festival in Hungary that is dedicated to children. This is an event for the whole family, where children can get to know different cultures around the world through films. At this two-day celebration of the genre, hundreds of children’s films from over 80 countries can be seen.
Starting every hour, the screenings present animated and live-action shorts for children aged 4 to 12, as well as the digitally restored versions of legendary Hungarian children’s films, which will be first shown here. The Panorama section presents the best international features for children.
This is an interactive festival: there will be filmmaking, animation, casting and stunt performance workshops, where the whole family is welcome. Film professionals will tell the children about the secrets of acting and casting.

This event of the Liszt Fest is jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and the Human Rights and Culture Foundation.

National Dance Theatre
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16–20.

National Dance Theatre

23 October, 2021 | 10.00 am

Ticket prices

1500 HUF

Day tickets: HUF 1500
Student tickets until the age of 18: HUF 1000
Workshop tickets: HUF 500

The workshops can be attended by pre-registration, valid day ticket and additional workshop ticket, which can be purchased on the spot.

This event can only be attended with an immunity certificate.

National Dance Theatre
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16–20.

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