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Star Jam
Margó Literary Festival and Book Fair

Star Jam
Margó Literary Festival and Book Fair
National Dance Theatre — Main Auditorium
13 October, 2023 | 8.30 pm
Ticket prices
3000–5000 HUF
Featured musicians: Dorina Galambos, Flóra Kiss – voice, Szilárd Balanyi – voice, piano
The whole lives of Anna Szabó T. and János Lackfi will be on the menu at their evening of literature, where music will be courtesy of Szilárd Balanyi: family stories, loves, joys, pains and anxieties will come to life on the stage. Poets and musicians deliver the ingredients – rap lyrics, melodies, anecdotes, colourful beats and poems recited fast or slow – for the smorgasbord. All of this will be spiced up with improvisation and words ‘thrown in’ by the audience on the spot, to create a self-analysis that spans genres, to the tune of a well-known folk song.
This programme of the Liszt Fest is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with Kultúrkombinát Kft.
Supporter: Bookline, MVM, National Cultural Fund of Hungary
National Dance Theatre
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16–20.
National Dance Theatre — Main Auditorium
13 October, 2023 | 8.30 pm
Ticket prices
3000–5000 HUF
National Dance Theatre
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16–20.