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Budapest Showcase Hub Conference
Club festival of the East

Budapest Showcase Hub Conference 
Photographer: Attila Nagy / Müpa Budapest

Budapest Showcase Hub Conference
Club festival of the East

Fészek Artists’ Club

21 October, 2022 | 10.00 am

Ticket prices

2000 HUF | 5900 HUF | 10900 HUF

To participate the conference, PRO festival pass or PRO daily ticket and pre-registration is required. Click here for registration.

Daily ticket:
HUF 5900 (from 19th October on the spot and online)

PRO daily ticket (shows + conference):
HUF 10900 (from 19th October on the spot and online)

Late night ticket (from 11 pm): HUF 2000

The capacity of the venues is limited to varying degrees.


10 am – 11.20 am
Music as a Factor in City Planning

Speaker: Shain Shapiro
Host: András Süli

11.30 am – 12.50 pm
Interview with Simon Goffe (Worldwide FM, Mistral Productions)

1.30 pm – 2.50 pm
Agent's Panel

Speakers: Claudio Lillo (CAA), André Marmot (Earth Agency), Stuart Kennedy (ATC)
Host: Dénes Pécsi-Szabó

3.30 pm – 5 pm
Ready for Export? But What is Needed?


10 am – 11.10 am
Europe in Synch Roundtable

11.30 am – 12.50 pm
BSIDEMUSIC Presents: Just a State of Mind? Power Dynamics in the Music Industry

1 pm – 2.50 pm
Yamaha Workshop: Music Production & Songwriting

Host: Ferenc Csiszár „Csiszi”

3 pm – 4 pm
What AI Can Offer the Music Industry?

Speaker: Roland Csipai

4.10 pm – 5 pm
The Place of Songwriters in the European Music Streaming Market

Speaker: Péter Benjamin Tóth


11.30 am – 12.30 pm
Merch 2.0 and Alternative Revenue Streams

Speakers: Patrick Ross (Music Ally), Tersha Willis (terrible), Zoltán Jakab (Empire Merch)
Host: Péter Soltész (HAIL, AM:PM)

1.30 pm – 3 pm
Gateway to Paradise? – The Role and Influence of Showcase Festivals

4 pm – 5 pm
MTPA MEETUP X BUSH: Event Financing Know-How

Speakers: Nóra Pintér (Sziget Festival), Barna Petrányi (Pro Progressione), Krisztián Nagy (Veszprém–Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture)

For the seventh year running, the Budapest Showcase Hub, or BUSH, brings together the music industry and music lovers to find the rhythm the heart of the region is beating to, and to identify the latest and most interesting trends and phenomena in the international scene. Between 19 and 21 October, performers from twelve countries will fill the clubs of Budapest with music, while the professional conference – once again based at Fészek Klub – will be attended by the best professionals of the international and domestic music business.

This event of the Liszt Fest is jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and BUSH Festival Kft.

Partners: National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Petőfi Cultural Agency – Hajógyár, Hangfoglaló Programme, European Talent Exchange Programme (ETEP), Hungarian Tourism Program Foundation, Hungarian Association of Independet Labels, Eastaste, TuneCore, Yamaha, Up Music, Instytut Polski Budapest, Českého centra Budapešť, Hub for the Exchange of Music Innovation (HEMI), Europe In Synch

Fészek Artists’ Club
1073 Budapest, Kertész utca 36.

Fészek Artists’ Club

21 October, 2022 | 10.00 am

Ticket prices

2000 HUF | 5900 HUF | 10900 HUF

To participate the conference, PRO festival pass or PRO daily ticket and pre-registration is required. Click here for registration.

Daily ticket:
HUF 5900 (from 19th October on the spot and online)

PRO daily ticket (shows + conference):
HUF 10900 (from 19th October on the spot and online)

Late night ticket (from 11 pm): HUF 2000

The capacity of the venues is limited to varying degrees.

Fészek Artists’ Club
1073 Budapest, Kertész utca 36.

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