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Social media policies

The Liszt Fest’s Facebook page and the events related to the page serve to inform and entertain the audeince. We encourage everyone and the public to make comments and actively participate in the online dialogue. However, comments of the following nature will be immediately deleted:

  • comments that are defamatory, abusive, slanderous, hateful, harassing, threatful or obscene;
  • comments that target others’ political, religious or sexual persuasion;
  • comments that infringe copyrights and intellectual property rights;
  • comments that are illegal or incite to unlawful acts;
  • comments that are dishonest, misleading or deceptive;
  • comments that include images and/or sounds that are sexually or otherwise offensive;
  • comments that contain unsolicited content, or interfere with the proper functioning of the page.

Please also note that the Liszt Fest has the right to highlight or re-post on its Facebook page such content that is shared on its Facebook page and during its Facebook events (such as comments, questions, images, videos).

Thank you for your coopertion and understanding!

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