Nice and Slow – Liszt edition

Nice and Slow – Liszt edition
Svábhegy Observatory
23 October, 2021 | 4.00 pm
Ticket prices
3500 HUF
You may purchase tickets fo the walking tour in advance, there is no ticket sale on the spot.
If you take a look at the night sky with help from Hosszúlépés. Járunk? and the staff of the Konkoly-Thege Miklós Institute of Astronomy, Ferenc Liszt’s famous piano piece, Evil Star (Unstern! – Sinistre – Disastro) will not be the only thing to cross your mind. Discover a crater on Mercury and asteroid No. 3910, both of which are named after Liszt, and learn what new discoveries were made in astronomy in Liszt’s time, the 19th century. Would you have thought that when the great composer was born, only seven planets were known, and there were already eight during the last phase of his life? Did you know that a year before his death the light of an astronomical event outside the Milky Way was observed: a supernova explosion? Take this exciting Liszt-themed celestial tour, learn about interesting facts, and take a peek into the heroic age of Hungarian astronomy.
This walking tour of the Liszt Fest is jointly presented by Hosszúlépés. Járunk?, Konkoly-Thege Miklós Institute of Astronomy and Müpa Budapest.
Svábhegy Observatory
1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 15–17.
Svábhegy Observatory
23 October, 2021 | 4.00 pm
Ticket prices
3500 HUF
You may purchase tickets fo the walking tour in advance, there is no ticket sale on the spot.
Svábhegy Observatory
1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 15–17.