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“I’ll Take a Walk on the Hill” – A walk on Svábhegy
Margó Literary Festival and Book Fair

Péter Nádas 
Photographer: Gábor Valuska

“I’ll Take a Walk on the Hill” – A walk on Svábhegy
Margó Literary Festival and Book Fair

1125 Budapest, Diana utca

16 October, 2022 | 2.30 pm

Ticket prices

2800 HUF

Guide: Ákos Bátorkeszi-Kiss

A city has as many faces as there are people in it, and everyone can read their own story, as in a good book. “When I still lived on the hill, you wouldn’t say you live on Szabadsághegy [Freedom Hill], because freedom is difficult to utter. Especially when you have little of it. And when I lived on the hill, it was not in abundance. Nor would you have said you lived on Svábhegy [Swabian Hill], though older people would call it that. Now, the reasons for forgetting, for a time, the honest old name of this hill are so abundant I’m hard put to enumerate them. Those who are diligent in their studies of history will know what I’m talking about...”
Drawing on the works of Péter Nádas, who is 80 this October, among them A Biblia (The Bible), his first published novella, we will discover the history of Svábhegy, which was once covered with vineyards, then turned into a popular holiday and hiking spot, before becoming an important site in the turbulent decades of the 20th century.

Meeting point: 1125 Budapest, Diana utca 4., in front of the Jókai Mór Primary and German Nationality School

Walking tour in Hungarian

This event of the Liszt Fest is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with Kultúrkombinát Kft.

1125 Budapest, Diana utca

1125 Budapest, Diana utca

16 October, 2022 | 2.30 pm

Ticket prices

2800 HUF

1125 Budapest, Diana utca

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