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The Sounds of Freedom
Gábor Hollerung and the Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra

The Sounds of Freedom
Gábor Hollerung and the Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra

Müpa Budapest — Béla Bartók National Concert Hall

23 October, 2021 | 7.30 pm

Ticket prices

2500 HUF | 3200 HUF | 3900 HUF | 4900 HUF | 6900 HUF

Roland Szentpáli: A magyarokhoz (To the Hungarians) – world premiere
Bartók: Kossuth Symphony, DD 75a, BB 31
Liszt: Les Préludes, S. 97
Featuring: Zsolt Haja – voice, Gábor Bakos-Kiss – narration, Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra, Cantemus Mixed Choir (choirmaster: Soma Szabó), Budapest Academic Choral Society (choirmaster: Ildikó Balassa)
Conductor: Gábor Hollerung

Béla Bartók’s first creative period has strong ties to the world of the 19th century, especially the music of Ferenc Liszt. The symphonic poem centred around Lajos Kossuth connects to Liszt’s Hungarian Historical Portraits, or such hero-themed symphonic poems of the same programme as Mazeppa, Hamlet and Prometheus. In addition to ideas, the young Bartók also drew on the wisdom of Liszt as regarded composition technique: the motivic arrangement of Les Préludes was certainly an inspiration, so it will be particularly interesting to hear the two pieces one after the other.
The world premiere on the programme, Roland Szentpáli’s cantata, was an award winner of Müpa’s composer competition in 2020. The lyrics are based on a poem by Dániel Berzsenyi, which the composer found forceful and relevant. The piece incorporates narration and a solo voice, a solo horn, and additional horns arranged in space.


Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

Programme booklet

Müpa Budapest — Béla Bartók National Concert Hall

23 October, 2021 | 7.30 pm

Ticket prices

2500 HUF | 3200 HUF | 3900 HUF | 4900 HUF | 6900 HUF


Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

Programme booklet

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